====================================== OpenPGP Signatures, Comet and VOEvents ====================================== This document, originally written in August 2012, provides some background on the implementation of event and signature authentication in Comet. It is provided here for historical purposes only: please refer to current documentation for up-to-date information on how to use authentication in Comet. Introduction ------------ The basic VOEvent packet structure provides no guarantees as to the integrity of the data contained: it does not guarantee the identity of the event author or that the event has not been tampered with in transport. It is the position of the author that this information is fundamental: as we move to a future of autonomous, automatic telescopes, it is essential that valuable obsevating time and resources are not triggered by malicious or mistaken VOEvent messages. There is widespread agreement that the solution is cryptographic: some form of digitial signature is applied to the event by its author, and this can then be verified by the receiver before the event is acted upon. Unfortunately, the application of cryptographic signatures to XML documents is non-trivial: the "standard" solution defined in the W3C recommendation `XML Signature Syntax and Processing`_ (hereafter "XML-DSig") is long, complex and `widely criticised`_, and library support for many common programming langauges is hard to come by. Further, adopting the "enveloped" signature system described by XML-DSig would require changes to the existing `VOEvent schema`_, while the alternative "detached" mechanism introduces extra complexity for transport protocols. Work has already been done on this topic within the VOEvent community. `Allen`_ described the application of XML-DSig to VOEvent messages, while `Denny`_ proposed an alternative approach based on the `OpenPGP`_ system. Denny describes the infrastructure around the OpenPGP system in some detail, and the reader is encouraged to familiarize themself with that document for an overview of the situation. It is the opinion of the present author that neither of these systems provide a panacea for the issues surrounding VOEvent authentication. However, the complexity surrounding XML-DSig makes the barrier-to-entry very high. Until either the XML-DSig technology matures to overcome the technical criticisms and lower the development effort required, or the OpenPGP solution is demonstrated to be inadequate to the requirements of the community, `Comet`_ development will concentrate on adding support for OpenPGP signatures. Infosets, Serialization and Canonicalization -------------------------------------------- It is important to distinguish between the information contents of a VOEvent -- the "infoset" -- and a particular representation of that information. The same infoset can be described by many different VOEvent serializations, all equally valid according to the `relevant standards`_. The differences may be as simple, for instance, as a change in the white space used within the document. All of the cryptographic signature systems discussed apply at the fundamental level to a stream of bytes. Therefore, while changing the serialization of a particular infoset may be valid within the scope of the VOEvent standard, it will invalidate a signature which has been calculated over the original serialization. The XML-DSig standard attempts to overcome many of these limitations by invoking a "`canonicalization`_" process which transforms the infoset into a standard representation which both the signing and validating party can unambiguously agree upon. Unfortunately, this procedure is complex and can be slow and fragile. OpenPGP makes no attempt to canonicalize: it simply provides a signature which applies to the stream of bytes supplied to it. This means that it is not possible to use a signature calculated over one serialization of a VOEvent to validate the contents of another serialization, *even if the information content is identical*. While this is not relevant for simple transmission from an author through one or more brokers to a receiver, it does significantly limit the more general applicability of the signature. For example, it would not be possible to run a service which receives signed VOEvents, deserializes the information a store such as a relation database, and then later reconstitutes them as XML including a valid signature from the original author. Design Goals ------------ Given the caveat above, the goals for the system set out by this document necessarily limited. * The aim of the system being proposed is to make it possible to append an OpenPGP signature to an XML element being transmitted using the TCP-based `VOEvent Transport Protocol`_ (VTP). * The signature enables the receiver of the element to verify the identity of the sender, using the standard OpenPGP "web of trust" principle. This document does not describe how the systems at either end of the transmission should manage their keychains, nor does it mandate what the receiver should regard as sufficiently trustworthy: these decisions should be made according to local requriements. * The signature is valid for the particular bytestream being transmistted, and is invalidated by any manipulation or reserialization of that bytestream. * The signature should not interfere with processing of the VOEvent by systems which do not understand or (wish to) participate in the authentication infrastucture: these should be able to treat the event as if it were unsigned. * The application or removal of the signature should not in any way alter the contents of the XML element being transmitted. Note that the above goals make this proposal suitable for use not only in signing VOEvents transmitted by VTP but also for use in the subscriber authentication scheme defined in the VTP standard. The Cleartext Signature Framework --------------------------------- Denny proposes that VOEvents should be signed using the `cleartext signature framework`_ defined in `RFC 4880`_ (OpenPGP Message Format). However, further investigation demonstrates the shortcomings of this technique, and it is here that the present document diverges from Denny's proposal. RFC 4880 section 7 states this [cleartext signature] framework is not intended to be reversible. In other words, cleartext signatures are transformational: applying one to an XML document could alter its contents. This renders it unsuitable according to the `Design Goals`_ outlined above. It is worth noting that the circumstances under which cleartext signatures are transformation are quite limited: they concern escape sequences applied to lines starting with a dash "-" (0x2D). The cleartext signature framework is therefore likely to work perfectly well for the vast majority of VOEvents, but the chance of an error is ever-present. Implementation Details ---------------------- To meet the requirements of the section above, this document proposes signing relevant XML elements using a `detached signature`_. A detached signature is non-transformational over the text being signed, and therefore avoids the problems described above. The cleartext signature framework makes it clear exactly which bytes it is being applied over by the use of delimeters such as ``=====BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE=====``. These do not apply to a detached signature. Therefore, we propose that the contents of the signed element consist of all bytes from the opening ``<`` to the closing ``>`` of the element being signed. For example:: In this case, all of the text from the first character of the string ```` is signed, but no bytes outside those delimeters are included. The signature is ASCII-armoured and appended to the message text as an XML comment. XML comments are started by the string ````. With XML comments, the string ``--`` is forbidden. The string ``-----`` is used to delimit ASCII-armoured OpenPGP signature blocks. Within the context of the signed XML element, therefore, the sender must globally replace ``-----`` with the string ``=====``. This substitution must be reversed by the receiver before the ASCII armoured signature is decoded. All other characters `which are permitted in ASCII armoured OpenPGP signatures`_ are also valid within XML comments, so no other substitution is required. An example of a signed VOEvent with the above substitution performed is:: This system is unambiguously defined only when events are transmitted according to the VTP system, which specifies that only a single VOEvent or transport element is transmitted in each transaction. If multiple root-level XML elements were to be transmitted, it would be ambiguous as to which the OpenPGP signature referred. This is therefore forbidden by the protocol. Software -------- This system relies on the OpenPGP standard as set down in RFC 4880. Various implementations of the OpenPGP standard are available. All tests carried out while writing this document have been carried out using the `GNU Privacy Guard`_, which is freely available and licensed under the `GNU General Public License`_. The `Dakota VOEvent Tools`_ provide a working implementation of the `earlier proposal by Denny`_. A version of Comet with basic support for this system is now being tested, and it will be merged into the released version soon. A preview version is available to interested parties on request. Performance ----------- The performance implications of this system are not negligible. The cryptographic operations obviously require some computation. Further, `by design`_, there is no GnuPG shared library: signing or verifying operations cannot be handled in-process and instead involve forking a separate ``gpg`` executable. The time taken for signing and verification obviously varies significantly both with the size of the data being signed and the key used for signing. Informal tests on a modest, 2009-vintage laptop running `OS X`_ 10.8 and GnuPG 1.4.12 indicate that signing a typical VOEvent message takes on the order of 0.1 seconds, including spawning the ``gpg`` executable, while verifying that signature takes around 0.01 seconds. On server grade hardware, one would imagine that this time would be substantially reduced. .. _XML Signature Syntax and Processing: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/ .. _widely criticised: http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/xmlsec.txt .. _Allen: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/117927641/PDFSTART .. _Denny: http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/VOEventDigiSig.html .. _OpenPGP: http://www.openpgp.org/ .. _relevant standards: http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/VOEvent/index.html .. _canonicalization: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n .. _VOEvent Transport Protocol: http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/Notes/VOEventTransport/ .. _RFC 4880: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880 .. _cleartext signature framework: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-7 .. _detached signature: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-11.4 .. _which are permitted in ASCII armoured OpenPGP signatures: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#section-6.3 .. _GNU Privacy Guard: http://www.gnupg.org/ .. _GNU General Public License: https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html .. _Dakota VOEvent Tools: http://voevent.dc3.com/ .. _earlier proposal by Denny: Denny_ .. _Comet: https://comet.transientskp.org/ .. _by design: http://www.gnupg.org/faq/GnuPG-FAQ.html#cant-we-have-a-gpg-library .. _OS X: https://www.apple.com/osx/ .. _VOEvent schema: http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOEvent/VOEvent-v2.0.xsd